Tuesday, February 15, 2011



Enough sedih-sedih.
Sekarang aku dah boleh terima :)

Insyallah. . . :)

Hey by the way.. I would like to share somethingg :)

Kalau orang tanya kan. Who's your favourite actor? Most?

Siapa yang kau rasa? Mesti banyak kann? huhu. Yeah its common nowadays to have more than 1 favourite actor. Right? Lagipun its up to us lahh. Who cares dawg? hoho

Okay for me, Mine is... :)

Steve Martin.

Him. :)

Dia ni style gila gila kot

Once i saw him in any of his movie... Ill blow up!
Kelakar gila.

Best best best.

Dia macam bersahaja je. Without any depression. Yahh of course semua macam tu kan tapi dia ni unique.



Okay here are some of his best shot :D

Laughter will be the most effective pills for any pain
so. :)
Good Luck ! :'D

Monday, February 14, 2011


Alright, haishh....

Its a sigh. Yeah. Sigh.

Why? Kenapa? Apabila kita depressed. We will definitely sigh..




All these are included in Misery Business.

Pernah tak jadi macam ni ?
Aku pernah.
They said its a natural feelings that almost all human mankind will face. Unless you're crazy. Or suffering mental or syndrome problems. Haishh. Yahh.
So, what should we do then people?

                                                         DO THIS ???

THIS ???????

                                                          OR THIS??




Can you imagine apa yang akan diorang dapat nanti if all those crap stuff end just like this.

Nak tahu takk. Actually..
Aku pun tengah Frust.
Adelah something but i wont tell you.
But im probably okay.

Main Core is, if you are depressed, Do this.


Dancing. :)

Sketching Scenery. :)

Find your friends. :)
This will absolutely work :)

   At last. The time fixed it. Whole of them. 



Menghadap Tuhan yang Maha Esa.
For all strength to continue and survive.
Untuk sentiasa dikuatkan Hati
Untuk meneruskan
Dan menghadapi cabaran
Insyallah. :)
        Then after you done all those things...

Insyallah you'll becoming like this honey....


      Okay. So i think that's it peeps

Assalamualaikum :)

Good luck . . . :)                                 

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Alright. haih. Tengok tajuk je mesti korang pelik kan kenapa aku decide nak cter pasal nie. :)


Actually. Aku pun tak tahu. You know what. Ada orang cakap. Nowadays, Woman is greater in number. Men usually out of it, Outnumbered. So, Shahop, you just have to wait for them. Perempuan akan cari kau nanti bukan lelaki...... Betul ke? Statement tu? What do you think? :)


Kelakar je aku dengar. :D Bayangkan, perempuan masuk meminang lelaki. HAHAHA.

Tuk3! Assalamualaikum. Kami datang nak meminang ni. Wahh! HEBAT! :D Gila~

Perempuan sekarang memang lebih hebat dari lelaki. Kalau kau tengok sendiri lahh kan, they dominated everything. bit by bit. Macam sekolah aku sendiri lah. TGB. Top student? Woman. Tak nak lah cakap girl. Woman. Style sikit kan? hahaha. So, where was my homies? Kaum lelaki semua? Haihh.

Yahh. Apa apa pun. Actually lelaki still hebat. Bodoh2 lelaki pun akal dia lebih banyak walaupun IQ dia rendah. No matter what. Perempuan still akan refer lelaki. Kan? Kalau perempuan in danger, Lelaki jugak yang akan tolong. Sebab apa? They depend on us. Fully sometimes. Percayalah wahai wanita semua. Admit it.

Dalam agama pun lelaki yang jadi imam. Lelaki. Mens. Boys. Are good leader.

Tak kiralah dari family organisation sampai greatest & biggest company in this entire world.

kan? face it. :)

Tapiii.. satu je yang aku tak berapa nak setuju yg kawan aku tadi cakap. Perempuan akan cari kita. HAHAHA. For me when it comes to relationship, huh. Lelaki lahh yang patut ke depan. Come on! haha. Takkan lah perempuan yang proposed. haishh. Terbalik dah tu.

But now. Haish. Adelah perempuan yang gatal gatal gave her no. haisshh. it supposed to be her privacy. Haishh maybe tak matang kot. Biarlahh. Purata, 2 no seminggu :)

Apelahh. Tapi kalau aku ada layan jugak semuanya as a friends. tak lebih :)

Ramai orang cakap. Jemu dah aku dengar. Bboys, Dancer macam aku ni takkan tiada Gf. haha. Graffiti writer cam aku ni takkan tiada? haha

Kalau aku keluar dengan crewmate aku. Kadang-kadang hampir semua ada gf. Aku? tiada.
haha. Yelah aku maybe tak hot tapi dapat banyak no. Camner lak tuu? huhu.
Bukan nak act like a swagger. Hahaha. Saja. Bagi aku tak sampai lagi masanya.


kan? Lagipun aku telah dikecewakan.....

:') tu aku tak boleh story. haha

But im stronger now! Biceps makin besar.! haha

Tapi takdelahh sampai macam ni..! hahaha
ni mana2 perempuan pun larii. huhuhuhu

Nak tau camner aku punya? Tengok gambar bawah ni and bayangkan. HAHAHA

Haha. tu aku!
Macam mana aku boleh support my whole body? hahaha
Mesti tangan aku kuat kann? haha
So, imagine ~

Okaylah. i think that's it :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Hey! Okay.. Now for this shot, aku nak share dengan korang semua about my real inspiration in bboy scene. HEHE. Some of you might not be interested with these topics but i do. :) So baca jer lah ehh :)


Okay here we go !


Okay. For me, he's number one. haha. He was like a beast you know what im saying? Damn. I termendously admire his footworks and transition to other moves. And the way he start his footwork from the top rock are always cool! haha. Lagi satu kebanyakan move dia fresh. And bila dia keluar for the battle the crowd will be like WOOOWWWWW. hahaa. These are a bit shot from him. :)

Okay next one !

Okay so, ini lagi satu yang aku gila admire footwork andflow dia. Bboy blanka represent floor gangz crew. :) Thumbs up for him. Double thumbs up!  He's always keep it fresh from time to time. When i watched all his video, i felt like... haih.. this guy is a monster. Fast footwork, fresh, clean and smooth flow. :) Blanka, youre my inspiration :)

these are the shots!

Okay so i think that's it for now.. If you're interested with this people then you can exactly browse to youtube and watch them rockin on the floor baby :)

Okayy sayonara~ Assalamualaikum :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Habitually Procedure :)

Okay. So for this shot, aku nak cerita sedikit lah tentang graffiti. Its G.R.A.F.F.I.T.I okay?? It's not GRAVITY. Ramai yang macam dah salah anggap tentang tu. Okay. Here we go, first, on 7th february 2011, Farah Anini who is one of my collegeous ask me to write her name. Okay she didnt forced me but i knew she eager to have her name on paper. haha. So, without any doubt, i just grab my blackbook and start sketching then. Die ni lucky sikit because all of a sudden i rasa macam nak buat satu pathway yang aku boleh share dengan korang semua. It was like macam procedure lah dalam menghasil kan sketch.

Aku ni takdelah power mana pun dalam scene graff ni but i just want to share. :)
Okay, so do leave your advices yahhh. thanks a lottt :D

Okay. Now here we go!

Okay. For your futher information, i decided to choose FARAH than ANINI. Because ANINI wording to macam repetitive i guess. Letter I dengan N dia. So, FARAH is better. Okay ini first thing yang aku akan buat. Which is sketching dulu using a pencil. Eraser. haha. For me 1st process ni amat penting untuk dapatkan draft yang kita boleh nampak. Jangan pakai taram kerono jer straight pakai pen. HUHU. :D

Okayy..After that, usually aku akan buat outline untuk wording nie. Just luar je. Aku pakai Artline drawing machine pen tak silap. 0.8. aha. Dekat luar je. 3D tak masuk lagi. Letter dalam tak masuk efek lagi. haha. As you can see, its outside jerkan? haha. So that's it. Next!

Okay. HAHA. Lawa kan?? haha takdelah. Buruk je. haih. By the way, this is my favourite step. After buat outline semua, then aku padam garisan pencil tadi. After that i'd added the 3D and a bit effect on each letter. Can you see the difference between the 3rd picture and 2nd? boleh kann? haha. Okay. Adding a bit effect is my own style and aku suka buat macam ni. Setiap writer ada style tersendiri diorang. Aaha~ okayy. :)

Okay now the final procedure!!! hahaha. Adding colour..! Kenapa pink? Sebab kat gambar die pakai pink je memanjang hahaha. Kebetulan aku ade higlighter pink je. So aku just drag the highlighter lahh! haha. Then. after dah siap semua. Last sekali tag lahh. tag ni macam signature. For my tag name is .. of course AMOEBA kann. haha. Bawah amoeba tu Crew yang aku represent :) okkay so i hope advanced writer bolehh bagi adviced kat aku yang masih agak toy lagi ni... Thanks yahhh :)

Okay so i think tht's it. NINI ni bertuah hahaha. Aku dapat idea time sketch nama dia. hahaha tak pasal-pasal masuk dalam blog. HOUH OKAY!

SEE YOU NEXT TIME ! Assalamualaikum :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

CMC in Malacca

Okay. You might be familiar with this picture kann?? haha. Actually minggu lepas my crew, Crazy Moves Crew headed to this Historical City, Malacca. Gila bestt. haha. Meh aku cerita kat korang the whole journey. Actually this trip kitorang dah plan dah due to the invitation from malaccan bboys. They all invite kitorang dance dengan diorang. So, memandangkan semua nye free time tu.. So we decided to accept the invitationn. Haha.:)

Haha. Mesti korang tertanya-tanya pasal apa aku add image ni.hahaha. Actually nak bagitau yang before kitorang pergi, kitorang gather dulu kat sini... HAHAHA. tu je :D

Hahaha. okayyy. On the way, hujan memang lebat gila. huhu. A bit dissapointed coz parkingg memang susah gila nak cari. huhu. For your information, kitorang pergi satu trip naik kereta.huhu. 6 orang. Gila berhimpit dalam tuhhhh. HAIH. Tp disebabkan spirit of bboy, kitorang bersemangat! haha. Anyway, its a cool journeyy!! Sampai jer trus g MP. huhu. Ramai gila orangg. haih.

 After that terus pergi sini.. haha tau kan ape ? Dataran Pahlawann. hahahaha. Cypher Spot dia memang cool habiss. Floor best, ade cermin, and the most important thing is, exposed kat orang ramai. hahaha. :D

okayy. So aku akan just paste gambar2 yang kitorang sempat snap masa cypher tu.ahaha. check it out yall!

So, Memang best gila trip nii. Hahaha. Okay i think thats it for today. Bye2!