Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Hey! Okay.. Now for this shot, aku nak share dengan korang semua about my real inspiration in bboy scene. HEHE. Some of you might not be interested with these topics but i do. :) So baca jer lah ehh :)


Okay here we go !


Okay. For me, he's number one. haha. He was like a beast you know what im saying? Damn. I termendously admire his footworks and transition to other moves. And the way he start his footwork from the top rock are always cool! haha. Lagi satu kebanyakan move dia fresh. And bila dia keluar for the battle the crowd will be like WOOOWWWWW. hahaa. These are a bit shot from him. :)

Okay next one !

Okay so, ini lagi satu yang aku gila admire footwork andflow dia. Bboy blanka represent floor gangz crew. :) Thumbs up for him. Double thumbs up!  He's always keep it fresh from time to time. When i watched all his video, i felt like... haih.. this guy is a monster. Fast footwork, fresh, clean and smooth flow. :) Blanka, youre my inspiration :)

these are the shots!

Okay so i think that's it for now.. If you're interested with this people then you can exactly browse to youtube and watch them rockin on the floor baby :)

Okayy sayonara~ Assalamualaikum :)