Okay. So for this shot, aku nak cerita sedikit lah tentang graffiti. Its G.R.A.F.F.I.T.I okay?? It's not GRAVITY. Ramai yang macam dah salah anggap tentang tu. Okay. Here we go, first, on 7th february 2011, Farah Anini who is one of my collegeous ask me to write her name. Okay she didnt forced me but i knew she eager to have her name on paper. haha. So, without any doubt, i just grab my blackbook and start sketching then. Die ni lucky sikit because all of a sudden i rasa macam nak buat satu pathway yang aku boleh share dengan korang semua. It was like macam procedure lah dalam menghasil kan sketch.
Aku ni takdelah power mana pun dalam scene graff ni but i just want to share. :)
Okay, so do leave your advices yahhh. thanks a lottt :D
Okay. Now here we go!
Okay. For your futher information, i decided to choose FARAH than ANINI. Because ANINI wording to macam repetitive i guess. Letter I dengan N dia. So, FARAH is better. Okay ini first thing yang aku akan buat. Which is sketching dulu using a pencil. Eraser. haha. For me 1st process ni amat penting untuk dapatkan draft yang kita boleh nampak. Jangan pakai taram kerono jer straight pakai pen. HUHU. :D
Okayy..After that, usually aku akan buat outline untuk wording nie. Just luar je. Aku pakai Artline drawing machine pen tak silap. 0.8. aha. Dekat luar je. 3D tak masuk lagi. Letter dalam tak masuk efek lagi. haha. As you can see, its outside jerkan? haha. So that's it. Next!
Okay. HAHA. Lawa kan?? haha takdelah. Buruk je. haih. By the way, this is my favourite step. After buat outline semua, then aku padam garisan pencil tadi. After that i'd added the 3D and a bit effect on each letter. Can you see the difference between the 3rd picture and 2nd? boleh kann? haha. Okay. Adding a bit effect is my own style and aku suka buat macam ni. Setiap writer ada style tersendiri diorang. Aaha~ okayy. :)
Okay now the final procedure!!! hahaha. Adding colour..! Kenapa pink? Sebab kat gambar die pakai pink je memanjang hahaha. Kebetulan aku ade higlighter pink je. So aku just drag the highlighter lahh! haha. Then. after dah siap semua. Last sekali tag lahh. tag ni macam signature. For my tag name is .. of course AMOEBA kann. haha. Bawah amoeba tu Crew yang aku represent :) okkay so i hope advanced writer bolehh bagi adviced kat aku yang masih agak toy lagi ni... Thanks yahhh :)
Okay so i think tht's it. NINI ni bertuah hahaha. Aku dapat idea time sketch nama dia. hahaha tak pasal-pasal masuk dalam blog. HOUH OKAY!
SEE YOU NEXT TIME ! Assalamualaikum :)